"Mums" the Word
A very popular plant for late season color is Fall mums, sometimes called "Garden mums" or "Hardy mums". Fall garden mums are available in a wide selection of colors, flower types... shapes and sizes. Fall garden mums are a low maintenance easy to grow plant that can be kept in containers or grown in beds. They are drought resistant and generally free of insect and disease pests.
Most Fall mums are purchased and planted from late August into September. Fall mums prefer to be planted in an area that receives full sun, but most cultivars can get by with a half day of direct sunshine. For ultimate growth, plant your new fall garden mums in fertile well drained soil. Poorl
y drained soil is the leading cause of winter mortality.

Fall garden mums should never be allowed to wilt... especially newly transplanted plants. Check your fall garden mums every couple of days for watering until you become familiar with their needs, particularly during dry spells. Be sure to thoroughly water-in your new transplants.
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