Friday, January 18, 2008

Bulbs, Bulb's, and more Bulb's

There is nothing quite as beautiful as seeing
your spring flowering bulbs burst into color after the long cold winter. You can add beauty and color almost anywhere in your landscape or home with a little time, planning and effort in the fall. Back in September Florafinos potted Crocus, Daffodils, Hyacinths, and Grape Hyacinths.

For those of you who don not know what a crocus bowl is...
~It's crocus bulbs in a ceramic container that have holes punched around the sides, reminiscent of a strawberry jar. This gives you a ball of crocus blooms
~Beautiful crocus bloom indoors during the winter!
~Great for any occasion or just to cheer someone up.
Valentines Day is Thursday Feb 14th!


Maria said...

Love the blog and the pictures add so much color :)

PS Can I still plant bulbs now?

Florafino's Flower Market said...

YEs you can still plant bulbs now as long as the soil is workable.