Friday, May 29, 2009

"Go Green" with Green Flowers

Green is a natural color of the planet. Green flowers? Leaves are green, yes, and grass is green. But flowers? Yes, there are green flowers, a surprising variety of them, in fact. But why, you might ask, would one want green flowers. Green can be considered a neutral color in a garden, smoothing the transition between color schemes or diluting too strong a hue. Against yellow or reddish foliage, they stand out without clashing. Have I convinced you yet?

List of Green Flowers Typically Available

-Green Hydrangea
-Green Carnation
-Green Rose
-Green Button Mum
-Green Hypericum
-Green Trachellium
-Green Bells of Ireland
-Green Anthurium
-Green Orchids including: Dendrobiums, Cymbidiums, Phalenopsis, lady slipper orchid
-Green Dianthus
-Green Rununculus
-Green Fuji Disbuds

At Florafinos we love green! So lots of green is always available.